Monday, July 12, 2010

Ghostbusters Text Fail

Sorry for the fact there haven't been any posts in months, been busy with stuff. Anyways, I was playing Ghostbusters for the Sega Genesis (one of my favorite titles for the console) and I noticed that each boss has dialogue prior to the boss fight.

Ever since I was a child, I always hastily skipped these text boxes and got to the fun stuff. This time around I decided to take the time to read them and found some peculiar things. Among others, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was once a regular person who simply ate too many marshmallows (according to the text.)

But the ultimate 'what the hell?' moment arose when I reached the snowman boss of the Apartment Level.

After giving some idle threats it belts out with the following: "I'll skewer you in the bargain." Well, its fairly obvious he meant 'barbie' as in an Australian BBQ, but even still, bargain? Even if they phrased correctly, it doesn't make sense.

Why would a SNOWMAN skewer anything? Wouldn't that be better suited for a fire-themed boss (which does appear in the game)? It would be better if the snowman had some terrible cold-related pun, but I digress.

It's still a great game and the weird text simply adds character to this underrated Genesis title.

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